2007年12月19日 星期三


9/15 R:22 L:14 S:17 W:18 Total:71

11/24 R:29 L:28 S:18 W:25 Total:100

這一次是我第二次考托福了 上ㄧ次是在9/15 而我只考了71

而短短兩個月 我分數進步了29 老實說我覺得托福考試並不是一個信度很好的考試


我的英文雖然不是頂尖 但大學指考和學測也都考得還不錯


分數公佈真的打擊很深 讓我對自己的英文程度感到很失望

後來的兩個月 其實我並沒有像第一次考試一樣花很多時間在準備

因為那時已經開學 有很多課業和考試 加上中間10月還要考GRE








以至於到考試時我卻連指示語後就是題目 甚至閱讀是先2040分鐘的形式一概不知

然後就是我沒想過考場的環境干擾如此大(我是在高雄文藻考 六角形桌)

尤其我是中後段進去的 又加考到閱讀 當我考到聽力時 旁人開始劈哩啪拉的說

導致我沒法專心聽和思考 然後試務人員一直走過來關心我這邊的進度






慎選考場: 報名前最好要先去實際看一下考場環境你喜不喜歡


且我GREAWA之前也在那裡考 所以那裡環境我較熟悉

考試當天:最好比考試時間提早ㄧ小時到 然後最好是在前面幾個報到

最先進去考 這樣干擾比較少 因為你在聽時可能只有一兩個人在說而已

考試時: 如果遇到加時題(通常是閱讀或聽力的最後多出來的部份),

閱讀可以亂做,聽力可以閉目養神後亂做 早早出來休息準備之後口說和寫作




但是我把earth and sky大約20回錄音檔(包含10分鐘的主題片段)下載到mp3

每天固定睡覺前會躺在床上聽 讓自己每天習慣聽英文的感覺

我不會先去看文章 而是每天重複聽那些20 聽到睡著就算了

有時候發現你漸漸聽懂時或突然聽懂時就會非常高興 而且會越聽越懂


真的很推薦那個網站 因為他也是像托福考試一樣在介紹一個科學主題 有邏輯且架構存在



他的類型大概有藝術歷史建築社會類 及科學生物心理天文考古類

你可以去看看自己哪一類的知識或單字認識比較少 然後多去接觸那方面的文章

例如我對天文知識很淺薄 所以我在earth and sky幾乎都下載天文類的文章


而是你對那個主題不暸解 或是聽到一些專有名詞就被嚇傻

以致top-down process沒辦法進行使文章統整成你的知識



因為第一次考試我的題目很多天文 藝術 建築 考古類 等我較沒涉獵的主題

而第二次考試考得生物類心理類較多 這兩主題我都常常涉獵

然後就是我在這兩個月 因為壓力太大 所以讓我每天為放鬆心情都看影集

我將Grey's Anatomy的第一二季都看完

雖然沒有特地為了學語言才去看之類的 但漸漸我發現因為對影片中內容有興趣

所以我有時會特別去聽他在說什麼 去學他說或查我不懂的單字

而且越看越能聽懂他所講的話 到後來也常常學旁白在路上用英文自言自語

所以我認為學習語言那個動機和興趣也是非常重要的 如果只為考試而學

我覺得永遠也無法把語言學好 畢竟語言只是一個幫助應用到生活上的溝通工具

然後就是建議準備托福的第一件事 就是好好摸熟托福的軟體和題型

在考托福的兩個星期前 我每天唯一會做的事

就是花兩三個小時做ㄧ次模擬考試 尤其是閱讀的部份




閱讀要訓練自己能盯著螢幕專心且控制時間的答題作業 掌控那個時間感


做筆記很重要 縱使聽不懂也要寫下來 可以幫助猜題和紀錄細節 也能比較專心

推薦Cambridge出的軟體介面擬真度很高 可以幫助你熟悉考試方法

網路上的Kaplan Preston 也可以下載來做電腦練習

也不要因為模擬考不好就灰心 我自己在模擬考試 大概只能答對六七成

還有 有時候是你文章看得懂或聽得懂 但你卻不能正確的選到最正確的答案


熟悉電腦軟體.考試方式和題型真的是最重要的事 !!!!!!





我有觀察過 口說有分limited fair good三等級

如果你是說起來似native speaker很流暢的話 那ㄧ定都是good

要從fair到達good 其實不太容易 要有長時間的口語訓練才行

而一般人的話 我發現其實只要你答題時能清楚表達你要說的東西

不一樣要非常流暢或冗長 就能拿到fair 大約17~20分的分數

例如 講者說一般人買電腦有三種考量 分別是價錢 外觀 和實際功能

螢幕出現問題:請問講者對於買電腦的考量有哪些 而你最在意那一個

第一句:就將他的螢幕上的問題換句話說: 人們在買電腦時的考量通常有三種





句子不用長或複雜 只要清楚重點表達你的論述,應該口說都能有fair:17~20

而作文的話 作文有兩部份 (朗文系列參考書作文題型是錯的)

第一部份題型常常是 文章提出三點 講者反駁文章提出的三點

重點清楚的表達所聽到和看到的 就能得到good






如果有餘力也可作結尾 不然也可以不做

因為這部份注重的是 是否清楚表達你所聽到的東西

第二部份 獨立寫作 題型通常是問你一事 看你是同意或不同意

建議千萬不要選中間站 除非你是文筆超好 否則拐彎抹角並不討評審喜歡





結尾 :總結你的立場和原因


像是ibt這麼活的考試 跟一般我們的英文指筆考試差異是很大的




你先每週挪ㄧ個早上去做看看ibt模擬軟體練習 先去了解考試模式






在路上走路時 想像是旁白 練習對自己生活用英文作些介紹和結論

這樣每天所花時間最多不超過兩個半小時 可是無形中你的英文卻會進步

那你真正在考試前的一個月 只要每天花4~5小時 密集模擬練習 和聽力練習


在考砸後的兩個月 我並沒有每天唸英文10小時




尤其是聽力 就算只有半小時也好




希望如果你也是第一次考砸的人 看到我的例子能夠多一點信心~


明年起 美簽漲到4300元


美國在台協會昨天表示,若申請人在二○○八年一月一日前以新台幣三千三百元繳付申請手續費(收據為憑),並且在二○○八年一月卅一日之前完成面談,就不需 要補繳差額一千元。若申請人二月一日後,仍持有僅付新台幣三千三百元的劃撥收據,必須在進入在台協會面談前,補繳新台幣一千元差額。


2007年12月13日 星期四

托福異常低分 考生投訴



「美國ETS坑錢!忽視考生權益!」約30名報考托福iBT測驗的考生,日前在台大批踢踢BBS站托福板上抱怨說,從八月至十月底期間,參加新托福iBT 測驗,口說及寫作都可獲得10分至20分左右的分數(單項滿分30分),但聽力或閱讀單科卻只拿到個位數,懷疑與跨國網路連線、考場環境及設備有關。

楊同學說,10月28日在台北公館地球村考場考試,測驗成績聽力只有7分,其他科成績都超過17分。鄭同學是11月3日在台中資策會考場考試,閱讀只有4 分,其餘都在15分以上。另一名蔡姓考生聽力17分、口說22分、寫作22分,閱讀分數卻只有1分,這種成績落差的例子經過考生互相詢問,才發現不是個 案。


ETS台灣區其他測驗代理公司總經理王星威說,iBT施測的聽力及閱讀成績是當場改完,這種情況,可能是跨國傳輸時資料遺失。王星威建議考生可以向ETS 申覆並要求立案處理,也可以考慮參加ETS授權舉辦的ITP托福紙筆測驗,報名費是1120元,只考聽力及閱讀,可藉此向學校證明程度。


2007年12月12日 星期三

只要夠優秀 哈佛學費好談

只要夠優秀 哈佛學費好談





哈佛表示,審核學生財務補助申請時,將不把房屋淨值計算在家庭財富內,這將使受惠家庭更多。大體而言,家庭年收入12萬美元的學生,明年將付1萬2000 美元學費,比根據助學辦法應繳的1萬9000美元減少7000美元。家庭收入18萬元美者將付1萬8000美元,比目前的3萬美元減少1萬2000美元。

哈佛10日並宣布取消學生貸款,改以助學金方式補助學生,校方每年將因此增加2200萬美元支出,使助學支出從9800萬美元增至1億2000萬美元。至今年6月30日止,哈佛擁有349億美元 (台幣1兆1281億)辦學基金。



【2007/12/12 聯合報】



北美    國內

2008-01-12 2008-01-13
2008-01-18 2008-01-19
2008-02-01 2008-02-02
2008-02-08 2008-02-09
2008-02-15 2008-02-16
2008-02-23 2008-02-24

上午9點    上午10點


2007年12月11日 星期二


071207 (北美)~071208(國內)


1. (螢幕上有一幅地中海和愛琴海的地圖)。地中海邁諾安文明,主要是介紹這個文明的考古發現和考古學家想像當初這個文明的一些社會狀況。提到palace建築用途,加工農產品、手工藝品之類,好像有分兩個階段,第一個階段分unit aunit ba負責儲存食物foodstuffb負責作加工之類的東西。到了第二個階段,b就多了儲存docs的功能。



2. wet rice,講亞洲wet rice的種植,cultivation of the wet rice,內容分三個部分。第一部分說wet rice的優點,關鍵講到土壤和水,Water rice吸收氮,不像其他作物需要肥料,適合在同一片地上重複地種,不斷使用土地都沒有關係,不會空出時間來浪費地;第二部分說有非常發達的灌溉系統,亞洲人把不平的地刨平,為了灌溉的水平面保持一致,使每個地區都得到一樣多的水,讓土地充分被灌溉,他們把土地分成一個個的plot,每戶擁有的plot不同,他們是根據each plot來灌溉(有題),但是窮人還是分得少些,因為他們和別人共有一塊地,而富人自己有一塊地;第三部分有個灌溉的management organization,(有題,問這個organization的作用,選項有:a. 分配水如何灌溉;b. 組織人員維修灌溉設備。)

3. 物種滅絕的原因本來有很多種說法,火山爆發大淹水隕石撞地球等。後來因為有證據顯示,有大隕石坑大約是在恐龍滅絕的年代形成,所以大致同意是由於隕石撞地球,引起的灰塵阻礙陽光,使很多生命體滅絕,但大部分隕石坑已經無法觀查到(有辭彙題:obscure,我選hidden,其他選項還有reduced),這裡舉了月球上的坑洞作比較,但是地球由於本身生物植物及河流等的恢復作用,即使是n萬年前有坑,也很有可能被大自然的力量填補了,所以很根據crater算地球年齡,是不太可能有確切答案的(有題)。最後一段說有科學家提出另一種觀點,預測隕石撞地球的週期,並提出原因,說有個死星會影響引力結構,使得外太空的隕石比較容易撞擊地球,週期大約是每2千六百萬年(有題)。


1. 學生進不了圖書館的網站了,來圖書館問管理員,說不知為什麼無法登錄。他帶了Account的 列印資料,但管理員不看,只在電腦裡查原因,查出因為一本書沒還。學生說他辦理續借了,管理員說如果別人要借的話,就不能續借,之前有發給他召回通知,不 過他沒來還書。學生不理解,說他寫論文還要用到這本書作資料(有題,問他在意什麼,答他的作業),管理員說這是規矩,給建議他抄寫或複印。學生說那他找找 看有沒有其他資料(有題,imply學生答應還書)。

2.心理學。memory of constructive。記憶的構造型過程。講人的memory不 總是可靠,而且人的記憶是選擇性的。舉了兩個例子,一個人看足球,還有一個人對自己關心的事,記得比較精確一些。然後又說有些人對自己的記憶很自信,但是 自信其實和記憶沒有關係。又說人的記憶是有欺騙性的,每個人都會被發生事件的前後事件影響(有題,問這個結果是怎麼樣的,我選的是有些details 會被人們expected 的加進去,而不是真正的experience)舉了個法庭上witness的例子(有題,為什麼要提到witness)。然後學生問,怎麼improve,教授說,第一,不要太confident;第二,要知道自己的記憶機制,然後說我們可以通過constructive來提高記憶力。

3. 生物學。細菌的化學交流,前面講了一段動物植物都會有chemical的交流。舉了一個植物的例子,然後發現細菌竟然也有這種chemical communication,然後說有個教授在無意發現這個現象,並一直進行研究,接下來描述的全是該教授的研究成果,其中一個是一個細菌豎起來,告訴別的細菌I'm here,旁邊的細菌就會回應它,也豎起來,大家glow,形成晚上晚上海水發光,叫milk sea的 現象(有題);另一個利用細菌這種現象,可以預報河水污染什麼的(有題)。後續研究發現病毒也有類似的功能,製藥公司開始利用細菌的這個現象進行研究了。 如果人類攻克該領域,利用病毒之間會進行溝通這一特性進行研究的話,就可以阻止病毒進行溝通,讓病毒以為他們是孤立的,從而達到消滅病毒的功能。

4. Film making。學生問老師作這個film能不能take home,他想讓他父母看(有題,問學生想幹嘛),老師說不行,必須on campus,是campus scale,要和同學互動。學生很無奈,然後說不滿對電影限制長度只有12分鍾,老師說這樣會讓你知道哪些鏡頭才是最重要的,要學會挑選和刪減。又說你看那些director,他們要控制很多東西,除了電影長短,還有資金設備等資源調整,比你的問題多多了(有主旨題,我選reasons of the restrictions)。學生說,那我要大改我的電影了。

5. Art history。有本書,叫ARTI... POLI... (給了幅古書的圖),這本書和一個很重要的treaty有關。提到這本出版以後歷經磨難,中間流落到法國私人收藏家的手裡,最後輾轉在1906年到了大英博物館重現,因此科學家才得以研究這本書。這本書缺頁缺角缺內容,科學家試圖用新科技重現書的內容,第一種技術可以通過顏色辨別,但使用這項科技有缺陷,因為該書含iron,在紫外線照射下呈現藍色,在紅光下呈現其他顏色,但還是不能讓人們搞懂,而且有時overlap在一起,就更沒法了;第二個方法是後來Stanford某教授看到報導後提供的新科技,用X-Ray的功能(是一個專有名詞,圖片上有顯示),這個方法避免了overlap,更好一些。

6. 天文學。Brown Dwarf Star,說天文學家在JupiterR星之間發現了有星體,最後確定是個BDS,教授問學生這個星的特徵(有題),學生答,它的mass比木星大,比red的小;然後color方面,說雖然它的名字叫brown,但其實它是bright red(有題,這個星最讓人confused的是什麼,答案是「顏色」)。至於How it is found,教授提了兩點,說明這個星為什麼如此困難才被發現,一是too far away;另一是它evolve地變亮,其實天文學家在沒真正觀測到這種BDS星的時候就推測出它的存在,只是因為這種星比較暗淡,所以以以前的技術沒辦法發現。其間有提及星體的溫度與其亮度有關,由此可推測這種BDS星的溫度比較低。


1. 描述你送給別人的一個特殊禮物。

2. 如果得到一小筆額外的錢,你會馬上花掉還是存下來,為什麼?

3. 閱讀:為了節約能源,學校準備在圖書館採取兩個措施:第一,照明方面將使用節能燈;第二,夏天空調會調高溫度。


4. 閱讀:什麼是behavior chaining,就是說有時候教小孩子一件事,把事情拆開來一步一步教,他們更容易接受。

聽力:教授的lecture舉他教3歲的女兒wash hands為例。說不要認為,洗手只是one action,要將每個步驟分開教,一共有5個步驟-turn on the water wet the handsput on soapwash handsturn off water。每天教一個步驟,漸漸的小孩子自己就把這幾個步驟連起來了,過幾天就能自己洗手了。

5. 聽力:男生遇到問題,他明天要去面試,但是西服丟在父母家了。有兩個解決辦法,一個是穿室友的,但是很大,擔心不能給面試官留下好印象;或者,女生提供的方法,今天放學後把握時間,趕緊去買一件。男生不太願意,因為他的錢現在都省下來想買個自行車,買了衣服就沒錢買車了。


6. 防止食物腐敗的。

聽力:教授的lecture說,食物放在室溫下很容易spoil,是因為常溫bacteria很容易繁殖,所以保存食物需要:1)放在比較冷的地方,比如冰箱,slow down bacteria繁殖速度,食物自然就可以保存良好;2water content是讓食物spoil的一大殺手,拿regular,舉了milk powder milk作比較,regular milk放上幾天就壞了了,而powder milk放一年都沒問題,所以,另一種方法就是dry water content from 食物,這樣食物就能存放更久。


1. 閱讀:認為蜜蜂不是靠dance來返巢和尋找食物的。說了三點理由:

(1) 做實驗,將蜜蜂分成兩組,一組被打擾跳舞,一組沒有,如果被打擾的蜜蜂採的蜂蜜比較少的話,說明跳舞有效,但事實證明兩組蜜蜂採的蜜一樣多;

(2) 又作另一個實驗,計算蜜蜂找到food source的時間,還有返回時間,predicted了一個依靠dance的蜜蜂所用時間,應該會縮短,但實際長很多;

(3) 猜測蜜蜂用嗅覺odor來實現尋找食物,歸巢功能。他們最後證明了odor確實有作用。


(1) 做這個實驗要選擇正確的時間及季節,因為實驗的季節在夏天和秋天,如果在食物少的冬天,就不同了;

(2) 蜜蜂用的時間長,可能因為返回的路上,又去了另外一個食物源;

(3) 氣味的說法不可靠,因為這個實驗中的食物距離蜜蜂太近了,當然可以聞到,但是後來將食物放到蜜蜂聞不到的地方,就找不到了。

2. 廣告對公司沒有用,花錢又費時間,而且消費者都知道自己要買什麼。你同不同意這個觀點。

(兩次TOEFL:R27 R28)


我做過很多考題,包含Barrons, Longman, Delta, Cambridge, Kaplan...






平時National Geography網站有小的聽力段落,

2007年12月9日 星期日



(公告) !現在國內和北美考題一樣的事經常發生!(更新北美考試日期)本人在CA,我感覺是經常發生 我同學北美10月底的考試 11.17的考試 都和國內一樣 前幾天看了幾個帖子發現12月2號的那次考試也大多一樣 (有可能加試不同) 這次7號8號的考試又一樣 太爽了
我明年1月12號 北美考 希望大家能多多交流考後回憶 讓考IBT成為一件比吃飯還簡單的事


更新一下北美考試日期 12.12 1.12 2.01

12.14 1.18 2.08

12.15 2.15

2.23 目前只又這些可選考試日期

不用懷疑 肯定是經常發生 在我所知道的考試中,2個月裡已經是4次一樣了 實際可能一樣的次數還要多

2007年12月8日 星期六

Freud 之 第二槍

Sigmund Freud, born Sigismund Schlomo Freud (May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939), was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind, especially involving the mechanism of repression; his redefinition of sexual desire as the primary motivational energy of human life, directed toward a wide variety of objects; and his therapeutic techniques, especially his theory of transference in the therapeutic relationship and the presumed value of dreams as sources of insight into unconscious desires.
He is commonly referred to as "the father of psychoanalysis" and his work has been highly influential — popularizing such notions as the unconscious, the Oedipus complex, defense mechanisms, Freudian slips and dream symbolism—while also making a long-lasting impact on fields as diverse as literature, film, Marxist and feminist theories, and psychology. However, his theories remain controversial and disputed by numerous critics, such as author Richard Webster, who characterized Freud's work as a "complex pseudo-science.
Psychosexual development
Freud hoped to prove that his model was universally valid and thus turned to ancient mythology and contemporary ethnography for comparative material. Freud named his new theory the Oedipus complex after the famous Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. "I found in myself a constant love for my mother, and jealousy of my father. I now consider this to be a universal event in childhood," Freud said. Freud sought to anchor this pattern of development in the dynamics of the mind. Each stage is a progression into adult sexual maturity, characterized by a strong ego and the ability to delay gratification (cf. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality). He used the Oedipus conflict to point out how much he believed that people desire incest and must repress that desire. The Oedipus conflict was described as a state of psychosexual development and awareness. He also turned to anthropological studies of totemism and argued that totemism reflected a ritualized enactment of a tribal Oedipal conflict.
Freud originally posited childhood sexual abuse as a general explanation for the origin of neuroses, but he abandoned this so-called "seduction theory" as insufficiently explanatory, noting that he had found many cases in which apparent memories of childhood sexual abuse were based more on imagination than on real events. During the late 1890s Freud, who never abandoned his belief in the sexual etiology of neuroses, began to emphasize fantasies built around the Oedipus complex as the primary cause of hysteria and other neurotic symptoms. Despite this change in his explanatory model, Freud always recognized that some neurotics had been sexually abused by their fathers, and was quite explicit about discussing several patients whom he knew to have been abused.[15]
Freud also believed that the libido developed in individuals by changing its object, a process codified by the concept of sublimation. He argued that humans are born "polymorphously perverse", meaning that any number of objects could be a source of pleasure. He further argued that, as humans develop, they become fixated on different and specific objects through their stages of development—first in the oral stage (exemplified by an infant's pleasure in nursing), then in the anal stage (exemplified by a toddler's pleasure in evacuating his or her bowels), then in the phallic stage. Freud argued that children then passed through a stage in which they fixated on the mother as a sexual object (known as the Oedipus Complex) but that the child eventually overcame and repressed this desire because of its taboo nature. (The lesser known Electra complex refers to such a fixation on the father.) The repressive or dormant latency stage of psychosexual development preceded the sexually mature genital stage of psychosexual development.
Freud's way of interpretation has been called phallocentric by many contemporary thinkers. This is because, for Freud, the unconscious always desires the phallus (penis). Males are afraid of castration - losing their phallus or masculinity to another male. Females always desire to have a phallus - an unfulfillable desire. Thus boys resent their fathers (fear of castration) and girls desire theirs. For Freud, desire is always defined in the negative term of lack - you always desire what you don't have or what you are not, and it is very unlikely that you will fulfill this desire. Thus his psychoanalysis treatment is meant to teach the patient to cope with his or her insatiable desires.


Freud 的基本理論都是以性就啟發~~指的是SEX DESIRE~~所以假如你不幸考到這篇文章~~~
基本上腦子裡要出現的是~~GENDER ~~SEX~~~這兩個字~~還有libido (性慾)大概就不遠之~~

Freud是(the father of psychoanalysis)心理分析之父(有部分的書籍稱之),而他所發表的文章以及理論都具有一定的影響力及爭論性~~
其中最有名的以及在各大心理學書籍一定會提及的是Psychosexual development !!!!
他將自身小時的經驗套用(I found in myself a constant love for my mother, and jealousy of my father. I now consider this to be a universal event in childhood)~而產生幾個階段(Each stage is a progression into adult sexual maturity:their stages of development—first in the oral stage (exemplified by an infant's pleasure in nursing), then in the anal stage (exemplified by a toddler's pleasure in evacuating his or her bowels), then in the phallic stage)口腔->肛門->性蕾期 (phallic 指的是男性生殖器官~但總不能女生也稱之吧~所以轉譯為性蕾~不要問我為啥叫性蕾唷!!我不知道~~考試不考中文);其中若一個階段未被滿足及會產生精神方面的疾病如強迫症(OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder->腦海中會不斷出現重複性的念頭,個案會顯得焦慮不安,而不斷地進行強迫行為,去看愛在心口難開~~那ㄍ男主角就是->醫學上多數認為是在肛門期訓練如廁時遭受到極大的壓力如過度訓練而產生)
另一重點~~Oedipus conflict 指的是性別認定的部分(Oedipus是希臘神話中有戀母情結的神~欲知詳情!自己去查啦)
其中所說明的~~若我是一個女生~~我會有所謂的戀父情結~我會因為喜歡父親 ~去學習母親的行為模式進而讓我的父親喜歡我~(正就是為啥有人會說你選擇的對象會跟自己的父/母親很像)
反之~~若我是男生~~我會有戀母情結~~但是我會忌妒我父親且我會擔心我父親會閹了我(afraid of castration)~~所以我會努力將自己變得更強壯~~



2007年12月7日 星期五


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The ability to read and write is more and more important now than before.

Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Advertisements make the products look better than they really are.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Car has had a greater effect on the society than airplane has.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People who do not work because they have enough money are rarely happy.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Teacher should be paid according to how well his students perform.

你同意不同意觀察或研究動物有助於了解人類的本性(human nature)?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Spending money on traveling or vacation is better than saving money for future use.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is more important to give students more prizes or awards for effort(trying, working hard) than for achievement(success, good grades).


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is getting alone.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The extended family (grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles) is less important than it was.

2007年12月6日 星期四


我 覺得短期突破還是按照OG上的出題方式來,ETS考的是邏輯。在十一期間,我把OG的閱讀的十種出題方式看了一遍,總結到自己的筆記本上。先集中幾天練習 閱讀,看自己是否真正理解了這幾種題型。其實只要你理解了出題方式,那麼你就會做得很好,因為考試時都差不多告訴你答案在什麼地方了,會用箭頭標註出來。 恩,在你覺得自己已經可以應對了,不是錯很多了,並且錯的題目你都知道怎麼錯以後。閱讀就不是重點了,你可以花時間做別的訓練了。但是,你還是要每天抽出 一個半小時來,三篇閱讀,是自己每天都有語感,保持也很重要。
1.閱讀的時候找準閱讀區間很重要,一道題只要不是 according to the passage,答案不會離開這個段落。但是10.28的考試,確實有幾個題目是according to parapgraph 1 and paragraph 2, 這時候,你得根據題目來判斷了。

一 定要讓自己的耳朵快速熟悉高語速。如果有時間,還是集中時間至少聽半個月的apnews, scientific american 60s,voa,都是標準的美語,很好聽。練習耐力要用scientific american的sa_podcast,一整就是半個小時的訪談,遍及天文、地理、醫藥、文學。據說ETS也會參考上面的材料,也實用的。
吧。 我沒聽過longman,不是我鄙視它簡單,我下載下來,死活安裝不上,於是我就放棄了。題不在多,你要做一篇都有收穫,為什麼錯,如何改進,只要你錯的 題目越來越少就好了。longman,delta,barron,kaplen,難度遞增。delta語速很快,但是題目很白痴,基本上聽不明白也會

不 過,這是個很好的開端。我覺得口語至少提前半個月準備,每天兩個小時,獨立口語至少練習100道。在此推薦大家把近幾年的獨立口語部分拿出來練習。多練習 最保險的方法。我每天七點爬起來,讀到10點,讀加背自己的口語材料。再遇到題目的時候,就可以隨口說出至少三個理由了。相信自己,這是因為你腦子裡的貨 多了。
Q3-Q6就可以一個星期搞定了。因為在此之前,你的嘴巴因為獨立口語部分的訓練已經足夠快。先看OG,反覆聽給的high- level的例子,看人家是怎麼說的。然後你的任務是,用半天的時間把Q3-Q6的幾經,分別每題都整理出來。分析考題你會發現:Q3都是閱讀一個段子, 聽力就是兩個討論,一般是MM不同意閱讀段子,給兩個理由,很標準的。其餘題目你也會自己總結了。然後,你就用半天時間總結出一個自己的模版,每天對著機 經,狂練習模版的使用。到了一定程度,一般一種20題,你就不用看模版,順其自然就念出了答案。後面,你還可以自己組織語言,越念越快。一週時間絕對夠 用,我就用了不到一週時間。
1.口語除了平時積累素材外,重要的還有聽力功底和記筆記能力。這個應該是你聽力時積累的。記筆 記這部分要注重全、細。防止你答題時打不出來完整的句子,不能舉出來詳細的例子來說明問題。口語Q3-Q6只有Q5是需要你自己觀點的,其餘都沒有。所 以,越詳細的說明你聽到的,就越容易拿高分數的。


綜合作文部分不必要練習很多篇,你要保證質量。首先,先看OG,限定時間,練習後,對照OG給的答案和自己寫的區別。關鍵看,OG上high-level的例子,都是聽力中很關鍵的點的提煉。主要的區別要明確寫 出來,還要有一定的細節。三個反對的點要均衡寫。否則在一個點上寫多了,就會影響其餘部分的寫作。還要注意,把聽力和reading material中的對立點寫出來,而且明確指明:They are totally different。這部分的關鍵還是記筆記的能力。和口語有點類似。

Currently, our society/ School/Citizens confront two options/choices. One is to.... And the other is to..... Personally speaking , I side with the former/later one. Of the countless reasons, I will present the most consepicuous ones here.

The first plain truth, I am pesenting here, is that doing *** is instrumental to....

Furthermore, under my preference lies another equally important fact that doing *** also can...

In addition, doing *** has other benefits. For example,.....

Admittedly, donig *** has some undeniable demirits, such as.... However, its advantages carry more weight than doing ###(觀點的對立點), and the case is rare and too weak to weaken my viewpoints.

In conclusion, despite some minor drawbacks, doing *** is instrumental rather than detrimental to us, No matter in....(第一個理由) , but also in...(第二個理由). So, we are supposed to do ***, no matter how painful or hard it maybe at the moment.

Currently, people undergo a large amount of pressure from various directions, including work, school and so forth. Pressure is detrimental to our
health and has been one of the biggest problems. It can hurt our personality, health and our relationship with others. Statistical reports from a research center prove that it is hard to find an area that can't trace in some ways to pressure. In order to work effectively, a proportion people to persue all kinds of ways to get rid of pressure. They are traveling to other countries, having parties with friends at weekend, or having long or short vacations. Furthermore, music and TV also make us relax. So, the most striking conclusion is that getting rid of pressure can make us live longer now.
你會感覺整個段落多很和諧,沒有什麼冗餘,也沒什麼缺少的。就是按 照人的思路順下來的原因。因為大家想問題也是這麼個過程。先理論,後實例。很容易把ETS的老頭們說服的。所以,大家沒有話可說時,就找個萬能素材,比如 幹什麼可以讓我變得輕鬆,然後你就按照上面的順序,順理成章的說下去。歌劇中間,多用用連接詞:also,and, so, in addition, but,however........這就是conherence和specific,即時是一篇很普通的作文,按照這個思路寫下來,也會是一篇很朴 實,但是又符合要求的作文。



2007年12月4日 星期二


1. 雜誌,小說,詩歌,喜歡哪個

For me, I like poems the best, because the language is beautiful and so are the ideas. One poem I cherish is from Robert frost “the road not taken”. In it he says he picked one road out of two in the woods and how everything changed ever after. It made me meditate about how different our life can be after a simple choice. It also reminds me to not regret once I’ve settled on a decision. And there are many other poems like this one, beautiful and philosophical. So I love them.

2. 喜歡看哪種電影,為什麼:Comedy, drama, musical…

I’d say I like comedy the best, because it’s amusing. When I want to watch a movie, more often than not, I’m looking for something fun, something that relieves my tiredness or sadness. A comedy fits my criterion perfectly, as it’s not serious as say, documentaries, or tragedies. So I don’t have to think much about it. That’s why I like movies of whoopee Goldberg, especially her sister act. It makes me laugh every time and forget myself. So, this is the primary reason I like comedy.

3. 森林, 沙漠, 平原...你喜歡住在哪種環境裡?

I’d choose to live on a plain, because it’s more suitable. Firstly, I have to consider the transportation problem. Living on a plain is usually more convenient because the transportation system is more established and advanced. Compared with the forest or desert which is not quite accessible, it’s better to live on a plain where it’s easier for you to move or travel. In addition, the climate on a plain is more agreeable than that in the other two. The forest is too humid, and the desert to dry. So, for these reasons, I’d rather live on a plain.

4. 除了academic programs,還有什麼在你選學校的時候很重要:location, cost…?

Besides academic programs, there are two things I would take into consideration when selecting a university. Firstly, the location. Usually I prefer bigger cities than small town because it’s more convenient for living. Also I prefer balmy climate for the place, not too cold nor too hot. In addition, the cost is another thing to consider. The tuition fee must be reasonable and affordable. And if the programs are equally appealing, of course the less money the better. So, location and cost are the other primary concerns when I choose a university.

A good school I went to.

The university I’m studying in is an excellent institution. Firstly, the academic programs are appealing. We have the first-class faculties with solid educational backgrounds and rich experience in teaching and researching. The facilities are also high-standard. We have comfortable classrooms, well-equipped labs, big libraries and brand-new playfields. In addition, its location is perfect in the central part of our capital city Beijing. It’s convenient for transportation and shopping. I think it is the best school I have even studied in.


1. 你是喜歡自己在家裡吃還是去外面餐館吃?為什麼?

I prefer eating at home, because it’s less expensive and more creative. For one thing, dining outside everyday is not an option for me, as I’m still a student and the budget is always tight. Except for special occasions, I seldom eat out. In addition, I’d like to diy my own dishes, experimenting with all kinds of ingredients and seasoning that suits my taste. It feels more fun. And there is a great feeling of satisfaction. So for these reasons, I like eating at home.

2. 喜歡到大城市讀書還是小城市讀書。

I’d like to study in a big city, for two reasons. Firstly, universities in major city tends to have a higher qualities than those in small towns. The government may have more funding to support educational programs. More faculties are attracted. And better facilities are available. In addition, one meets more people in big cities. They help you broaden your view and even offer your good opportunities for academic or career success. For these reasons, I’d pick a big city to study in.

3. 喜歡一個人住還是和室友住

I’d prefer to live with other people, for two reasons. First, living with someone else teaches ymd to share. As the only child in my family, it’s inevitable for me to think in a self-centered way. Having somebody living with me can remind me to share and can be my first step toward maturity. Moreover, a roommate can be very helpful. Like if you forgot your key or left something in the apartment, having a roommate can save much trouble to solve the problem. So, for these reason, I’d like to have someone living with me.

4. 願意在辦公室工作還是在家工作,為什麼?

I definitely prefer to work at the office, for two reasons. Firstly, the atmosphere in the offices helps you work more efficiently. As it is supposed to be the place for work, everybody will just do his job. And in the office you get the assignment more directly, so misunderstandings are avoided. Moreover, working with other employees is more convenient if there is a problem. You can go and consult your co-workers or even the boss. With help one can do better and learn faster. So, for these reasons, I prefer the traditional way of working in an office.

5. 願意當leader還是當follower

I’d choose to be a leader, because I’d rather be ambitious rather than mediocre. Firstly, as a leader, you have other people count on you. This requires great qualities, like courage, foresights, tolerance, and it is never easy. But you can learn more from a tough work. If I can be a leader, I believe the experience will make me more mature and capable. In addition, another advantage of being a leader is more chances to implement his or her idea. It feels good you can do what you want and do it well. So for these reasons, I prefer the position of a leader rather a follower.

6. Take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year?

I’d like to take a long vacation rather than having several short ones in a year, because a long vacation enables me to make bigger plans for recreation.

Eg1: a long trip to anther city, or even foreign country

Eg2: return to my hometown to see my parents, it’s especially important for people who works far away from home to have a longer vacation, so we can stay more time with family.

So, for the above reasons, I like to take a long vacation for bigger plans.

7. Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in group?

8. 同意或不同意students will learn more when they have discussions

I definite prefer to study alone, because it’s more efficient. For one thing, when left alone, I concentrate more on the work assignment. In a group discussion while other people talk and you have to listen, a lot of information from the textbook may be missed. But studying alone you have more time to read and think more thoroughly. In addition, I like to study according to my own pace, like spending more time on my weak points. But in a group study, the majority preference decides all. So for these reasons, I prefer study by myself.

9. Communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone

I always communicate with my family or friends by telephone, for two reasons. Firstly, it’s feels more close to the one you’re talking to. By telephone, you can communicate with hearing the other voices. It always gives me a sense of intimacy, especially when I’m talking to someone from the family, since I study far away from home. In addition, actually hearing the words prevent misunderstanding. The use of tones and emphasis in talking helps people to know your true meaning. So, for these two reasons, I choose telephone.

10. 賺錢的工作還是personal satisfaction 高的工作

I’d choose a job with more personal satisfaction, for two reasons. Firstly, it’s sad to put the pragmatic concern before everything. If I force myself to do a job without incentive for money concerns, chances are that I will not be fully-devoted to do it well, and of course my money will be affected at the end. In addition, a job with more income is often damaging to the health, because of the tension and competition. So I think it’s always safe to count on the job with more satisfaction to you for a long-term concern.

11. 在旅行時,有些人喜歡直接到達目的地,有些人卻喜歡沿途一路上觀光。

For me, I like to take my time and see things along the way. Firstly, who knows there can be some surprisingly beautiful sights on the way, and I don’t want to miss it. It can be even better than the place I wanted to go. In addition, I don’t like to rush myself. If I do so, I may already feel tired when I get to my destination. And if the point is to relax through traveling, I’d like to start that from the moment I set out. So, that’s my reason for sight-seeing along the way.

12. Get advice from family and friends or learning through personal experience.

I’d probably take advice from my family or friends, because it’s more helpful. For one thing, I know myself can be very stubborn sometimes, and I’m not aware of my problem until somebody points it out for me. And moreover, suggestions from older people or friends are more valuable. Because they watch things from another angle, they can come up with something more objective or comprehensive. More often than not, they see things you don’t see. So I’ think it’s wiser to ask for opinions from them.

13. 你選擇online courses還是traditional courses

I’d definitely choose traditional courses over online courses, because I’m more accustomed to the conventional way. I’m used to facing a teacher in the class. By concentrating on the person, I can focus on the lecture. Staring at the computer will make me tired and bored very soon. In addition, the traditional classroom allows you to raise question any time you want, which is not possible by taking online courses, because the content on the internet is pre-designed and unchangeable. So for these reason, I’d rather stick to the traditional courses.

14. Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books?

Usually I’d use both of them for my research, but if I have to choose on, I’d say the internet. For one thing, nowadays the internet has almost everything you need, but the library does not. For example, the book you want may be included or may be borrowed by someone else. In addition, it saves your energy to use internet. All you need is a computer. But carrying books around can be very heavy. So, for these reasons, I’d prefer to search online.

15. Make friends with people who have different interests from you?

Usually I don’t make friends with people who are quite different from me, because it’s hardrer. For one thing, I like to be with someone who shares my interest. It makes me feel closer to the person. We can talk about things in common, and understand each other better. In addition, conflicts may arise when I’m with someone quite different. What if I happen to be on the opposite side of his interest or view? We can argue with each other, and the relationship can be ruined. So for these reason, I prefer making friends who are similar to me.