2007年12月4日 星期二

描述類 Description(2)

1. 應該選擇工作好找的專業還是應該選擇自己感興趣的專業

I definitely agree that one should choose a major that suits his interest rather than the job market. For one thing, it’s sad to put the pragmatic concern before everything. If you force yourself to learn something you don’t like, chances are that you will not be fully-devoted to learn it well, and may even feel bored and regret. In addition, the demand of job market is subject to change all the time. There is no guarantee that the popular major when you enter the college would remain popular after you graduate. So I think it’s always safe to count on something you like to do and do it well.

2. 同不同意People should always tell the truth .

I definitely disagree that people should always tell the truth, because lying is necessary sometimes. One example is the white lie. People always tell white lies to prevent other’s feeling from being hurt. Like husbands always say their wife is the most beautiful woman in the world to please her, even though they both know it can’t be true. In addition, in business or politics, people use lies or bluffs as a negotiation strategy to win more benefit for their side. Such kind of lies are also acceptable. So, I hold that not telling the truth is ok and even helpful sometimes.

3. Do you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at the first glance?

I definitely disagree that we can judge a person by the first glance, because it’s not reliable. For one thing, appearance lies. An extreme example will be a con man who may dress decently and talk sincerely, but in fact he is only acting to trick you. Moreover, to get a full picture of another person takes much more than a glance. There are so many information you can’t tell from people’s appearance, like their past history, their eating habit, etc.. What you get is only a partial, and the partial may lead to prejudice. So, for these reasons, I don’t think judging a person by the first impression is a good idea.

4. Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform in school?

I tend to disagree that students should wear uniform in school. For one thing, I think as long as the students are doing fine, it doesn’t matter what they wear. Some may say uniform is to prevent certain students wearing inappropriate clothes for school. why not just make some restrictions. The school doesn’t have to make everyone dressed the same. And this is my second point, asking students to wear uniform is a demand for conformity. As young people like to express themselves, it can be a bad influence on their psychology. So, for these reasons, I don’t like uniforms.


I tend to agree with having a one-year break before going to college. For one thing, it gives you more time to consider about your major. Traditionally, university candidates do not have much time to decide what to learn in college. With the one year break, they can collect information or think more carefully to make this important choice. In addition, some students can use this break to earn some money for their tuition. So I think the one-year break is a good idea.

5. 學生在工作前應該做part-time job或者summer intern來確定自己是否合適那份工作?

I definitely agree with students doing part-time or intern to find out which job they most fit in. because such working experience give you real information. When you do the real job, you may realize it is nothing like what you’ve learned in school. Like, through an internship a student from business school may find out he is not good at dealing with a client in practical situation. So he may think of other alternatives like becoming a lecturer. In addition, part-times and interns enable you to try more kinds of jobs and give you a greater variety to choose from. So, I recommend students taking part-times or interns.

6. Have a relaxed and unhurried life, yes or no?

No, it sounds hedonistic. for one thing, it’s not possible for one to be relaxed forever, some day there will be something urgent happen to you, if you are used to the idol way of life, you are not likely to deal with it efficiently.

Moreover, giving yourself a little tension helps you to increase your potential. Chances are that with more experience in urgent situations, one grows up faster. With more practice one gradually accomplishes more.

So that’s why I’m not an advocator o a relaxed and unhurried life.

7. 人是被電視,報紙,廣播上的資訊影響得多,還是家人朋友得影響多

8. Which one acts more influence on you newspaper, TV or teachers?

I tend to think people nowadays are influenced more by the media rather than their family or friends. For one thing, people are exposed to information from media much more than they spend time with family or friends. It is inevitable for one to absorb things from them and change a previous perception. In addition, modern people are more and more independent. They are not easy to be affected by another person. But they might believe what on the media, because these are more factual things. So I think the media influence people more.

9. 人們往往認為應該在危急時刻幫助別人,但另一種觀點認為你首先應該看清楚情況

I definitely agree that one should observe before helping others when there is a dangerous situation. For one thing, keep a clear mind helps you come up with better solutions to the emergency. Like, if the rescue may need more people than you or other tools. And you have to stop and think where to get them. In addition, if you rush too quickly to the scene, you may even endanger yourself. That’s definitely not helpful for anyone. So for these reasons, I think it will be wiser to think before you rescue people in danger.

25. Freshmen live together or with other grades?

I tend to agree that freshmen live with other grades, because it helps them fit in more quickly. For one thing, it creates more opportunities for the freshmen to make friends with their seniors and gain more knowledge about college life, like information of some professors, school policies, or resources in surrounding area. In addition, it’s also important for the new students to find an example to follow, and these examples are often from the higher grade students. Living with them helps one to know the model student better. So for these reasons, I think it’s beneficial for the freshmen to live with other grades.
