2007年12月2日 星期日

Bird Migration.....加試題

Bird Migration

Listen to a conversation between a student and his Biology professor.

S: Doctor Russell, I was hoping to discuss my term paper with you. I am getting a little bit stuck here.

P: of course. So, what do you have so far? What’s your topic?

S: Well, I wanna to write about bird migration, but I am having troubles finding enough sources.

P: You are having troubles finding sources on bird migration? (rising tone)

S: No, actually on a particular aspect of bird migration that I wanna write about. The thing is I wanna to write a specifically early theories of bird migration, describe some of the theories, like how Aristotle thought how birds change into different species during the winter. Other naturalist thought bigger birds carry smaller birds to warmer spots for the winter time. But I only got a couple of books to work with right now.

P: Hum. I have to admit that it’s an interesting topic and you certainly seem excited by it. But remember, I told you all to ask yourself how your topic is going to help you to show how you can apply what you learned in this semester. A sum of description is not really what I am looking for, as much as your analysis of a certain topic.

S: I guess that’s really not what we are supposed to do, hum. (falling tone)

P: Right. So, how about we think about some other ideas for your paper. I mean you don’t need to discharge your ideas completely, but take a really different focus. Um, for example, you could present what you believe for some reasons, the rationale behind some of those theories - early naturalists’ had. But you would support with more modern research – those are the sources you need to seek out.

S: ok, I think I see what you are saying. So, like today; today we know a lot of birds migrate at night. But maybe because people don’t see them; didn’t see the small birds migrating. They only saw bigger birds, like Geese, saw them migrating during the day. They thought that bigger birds are carrying smaller ones under their wings.

P: There you go. That’s exactly what I mean. You show me you are thinking of the topic, not just telling me what you read.

S: ok. I also have a real cool example of the migratory bird I wanna discuss in my paper. It’s the Common Poorwill. I mean it seems that some naturalists believe that Common Poorwill does hibernate instead of migrating and that maybe the only bird that does.

P: If I were you, Um…

I think you should just stay at the migration research. Remember, this is only a 15 – page paper.

S: ok. I see your point.

P: But it’s great that you are finding it’s also interesting. Now, I want you to come back see me in a week. So, we can take a look at the new direction of your paper and evaluate the sources you found in the meantime.

S: ok, and thanks for your help!

Q1: Why does the man go to see his professor?

a) He does not have enough time to write his term paper.

b) He is having trouble organizing the information for his term paper.

c) He cannot find enough information on the topic of his term paper.

d) He does not understand some of the ideas he has been reading about for his term paper.

Q2: How does the professor help the man?

a) By suggesting a change in his approach to the paper.

b) By explaining some theories about bird migration to him.

c) By providing some additional examples he can use on the topic he chose.

d) By giving him directions on where to find sources.

Q3: What information will the man probably include in his paper? ( two answers)

a) A description of the migration habits of the Common Poorwill?

b) His own analysis of early theories about bird migration

c) A comparison between birds that migrate and birds that do not.

d) Findings from recent research on bird migration

Q4: Why does the man talk about birds that migrate at night?

a) to demonstrate that he understand the professor’s recommendation

b) to give example of what he wants the professor to explain

c) to give an alternative explanation for the hibernation of the Common Poorwill

d) to ask whether he should change is topic to the sleeping behavior of birds

Q5: what does the professor imply when she says this “You are having troubles finding sources on bird migration?”

a) she is not sure the man should write about bird migration

b) she thinks finding sources on bird migration should be easy.

c) she is not sure that she can help the name

d) she thinks the man has already found enough sources on bird migration
